How to Use Shadowing Studies

Shadow Studies

These videos showcase a unique opportunity: to watch my practices in the most organic format. Absent of any instruction or guidance, these videos showcase my truest training elements and allow you to mirror my movements as we go along.

Advanced Eye Training: Watch Closely & Follow Along Videos

Shadow Studies are here to give you an inside look into the diverse range of practice possibilities, as well as inspire new patterns within your own dance.

Watch me closely - in my rawest practice form - and shadow me to see how you can match my movements, incorporate more flow into your practices, and follow along to learn new organic ways of movement!

How Do You Keep? Slow Down the Video!

Here's a PRO TIP! Remember the Take it SLOW video under training strategies? Use the Video Speed Controller browser extension to slow the videos down to a speed that feels comfortable for you to follow along to.

This is how I've learned many moves online from my favorite dancers all over the world! By simply watching and mirroring their movements!

Even if its not perfect, or seems challenging, training this way opens up our minds and bodies to new ways of movement that we don't get through instruction, drills or combos.

This is the most organic way to learn from someone! And the secret to learning how our Muses execute their moves!!

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