Sun Temple - CRAFT

This section of the school focuses on building skills for fusion belly dance. Utilizing self-training strategies and various drill videos, this dimension of the school guides students through how to train effectively and efficiently to accelerate the growth process. You'll learn how to listen to and be guided by your body so that you cultivate a strong mind-body relationship, unlock deeper dimensions of movement, and become your own teacher on your journey towards mastering the elements of this craft.

Energy Blueprint: Solar Embodiment

This is the masculine side of the school, where yang energies and discipline hold center stage. It focuses on devotion and dedication to our dance practice. It's where we build strength, stamina and hard skills. We focus on foundation, drills, and body mechanics. This is how we chisel our vessel like marble, refining our form and masting the elements of this movement format.

The Sun Temple features:

  • Self-Training Strategies - practices that teach you how to train effectively. Work smarter, grow faster!
  • Fusion Foundation: Isolations - detailed breakdowns and drills featuring everything you need to know to build a solid foundation for fusion belly dance!
  • Movement Breakdowns + Demo Drills: links, locks & layers - the key building blocks in learning high quality mesmerizing moves, that can be used to build combos as well as free flow!
  • Hypno Flows - streamlined flow drills that focus on carving out clean patterns with deepened awareness to engrave them into our bodies and build strong muscle memory.
  • Layering Workshops - full-length classes covering all the essential layering foundations to become a controlled and articulate dance artist!
  • Flow Jams - full length classes I instruct totally on the fly and in the flow of the music, which includes a mix of stretching, drills, flows and concepts! It's a fun way to move more fluidly and break up all the drill work we do with some play and fun!

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