Moon Temple - CREATIVITY

This section of the school focuses on to exploring new ranges of movement and manipulating energy as forms of expression. This is where we move outside of the box, play with creative concepts and have fun with flow. You'll learn unique ways to interpret foundational teachings while diving deeper into the sensory experience beyond the physical realm. The Moon Temple is where we begin to take our dance inward - to sense how we feel in our bodies when moving, and cultivate deeper dimensions to our creative expression.

Energy Blueprint: Lunar Embodiment

This is the feminine side of the school, where yin energies and surrender come to play. It focuses on explorative movement and deepening awareness. It's where we build soft skills, improve improv, and dive deep into movement as energy moving through the body. This is where we cultivate a flexible vessel that's tapped into to flow.

The Moon Temple features:

  • Playshops - flow concepts to expand our receptivity while we explore new ways of movement and creative expression! This is where we break out of the box, ditch the drills, learn how to let go, and play with evolving our dance!
  • Shadow Flows - no words, just dope music and organic movement to follow along to. Ranging from beginner to advanced, these sessions serve as a tool for inspiration and opening up new ranges of expression!
  • Movement Meditations - guided journeys to explore presence and connection.

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