There are 3 core elements that make Dance Magick a unique studio:

CRAFT: Tribal Fusion Technique + Self-Study Strategies

Learn Mesmerizing Moves

Everything you need to know to take your growth into your own hands and cultivate your fusion bellydance skills - in and out of the studio.

CREATIVITY: Playshops + Flow Sessions

Awaken your Artistry

Weave together new dimensions of movement, explore expression, and learn how to use your body as an instrument.

CONNECTION: Embodiment Studies + Personal Practice Rituals

Channel your Inner Creatrix

Dive into your own artistic reservoirs and summon your unique creative vision, so you don't just look like a beautiful dancer but feel like one too - connected to your truth. 

Course Content (Pre-Recorded)

  Welcome to Dance Magick!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  ☼☼☼ SUN TEMPLE :: CRAFT ☼☼☼
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Practice Strategies: Empower Thyself to Thrive
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Priming the Body Temple: Stretching + Strengthening
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Tribal Fusion Belly Dance: Foundational Isolations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hands & Arm Patterns
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Movement Breakdown + Demo Drill: Single Link Patterns
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Movement Breakdown + Demo Drill: Layers
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Movement Breakdown + Demo Drill: Lock Patterns
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Progression Practices: Improv Your Improv!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Hypno Flows (Flow Drills)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Layering Workshops
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Flow Jams (Full-Length Dance Classes)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Loops + Combos
Available in days
days after you enroll
  PLAYSHOPS - Exploratory Classes to Expand Movement Dimensions & Access Higher Levels of Creativity!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Shadow Flows (Follow Along Dance Classes)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Artist Development: Exploring Presence & Connection (Expanding Our Perception)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Rituals for Energetic Clearing: Becoming a Channel
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Personal Practice Rituals: Summoning the Artist Within
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS MATERIAL: Shadow Studies (Home Study Tool for Advanced Eye/Body Training)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS INSPIRATION MATERIAL: BTS Costuming (Exclusive Look into How I Create My Costumes;)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS SECTION: Creatrix Collab Classes
Available in days
days after you enroll

Full of full-length dance classes, body sculpting sessions, bite-sized tutorials, self-training techniques, follow-along flow classes, creativity lessons, and energy exercises - Dance Magick offers an array of easy-to-digest but super-potent material to accelerate your growth and supercharge your dance.

Not only does DM build a solid foundation for dance technique and tribal fusion belly dance skills, but we also dive into practices that serve to awaken our creativity and enhance our artistry as we learn to translate our passion through our bodies with this incredibly beautiful and hypnotic movement modality.

All videos are pre-recorded and uploaded, so once you SUBSCRIBE you can ACCESS ALL of the Course Content above! You can watch videos any time, and as many times as you like.

Ready to dive deeper into your body, level up your belly dance skills, and unlock your creative fire?!

Join the Coven and SUBSCRIBE to Dance Magick! You'll get all of this incredible content for only...

Student Experiences:

"I would like to also offer a most heart and soul felt thanks to @jasmine_enchanted of @dance.magick who has been my main teacher thus far. Her dance guidance offerings have been everything and beyond. She offers poetic, artfully executed, clear, and easily accessible lessons, providing a clear path and roadmap to mastery of this art form in a unique and personalized way.

Thank you starling one

I am loving and growing so much from it"

-- Kaci, DM Student

"Dance Magik is structured in a really clear and straightforward way. I love the tools of how to create structure in our own practice and be more disciplined. I also love how the school is a combo of structure as well as spiritual and costume creation. It makes it a fun whole rounded experience. I also love Jasmine as a teacher and how clear she is, as well as being her authentic self. I love that it's done in a studio with just her so we can really focus on just her and her movements."

-- DM Student

"I am absolutely LOVING the Dance Magick studio!! It’s an insta ~Goddess Vibe~ boost that always leaves me feeling empowered. The videos are thorough and detailed. There is so much content to explore and it’s great to be able to take it at my own pace. Thanks Jasmine!"

-- Justine, DM student

"Dance Magick is awesome. All the structure of a dance class with the freeness of wild witches spirits. I've been a dancer my whole life including belly dance and the moves where challenging but easy to learn. I will absolutely be back!"

-- DM Student

"Dear reader... if you have ever hit the club, or been meditating, or playing your sport, and you can remember the feeling of trying to get "in the zone," you know what zone I'm talking about... Well, Dance Magick Coven, Jasmine's teaching platform in all of its majesty, IS THAT ZONE. Once you click in and Jasmine starts teaching and preaching, I am transported into a whole new realm, open, feeling empowered, and ready to move my body in new beautiful ways

It's like, click, auto-ZONE.

I am so happy to learn in such a personal virtual classroom, from somebody who's dance style is so unique and captivating, someone who's lifestyle I have great respect for, and someone who is always warmly welcoming her students to dive deep with her. Sure you can learn belly dance and tribal fusion through random searches on the internet, classes here and there, and determination, but honestly the learning experience is so much more powerful when it comes from a fabulous role model such as Jasmine, your benevolent teachress.

What I love about the program and curriculum itself, is that it's is beautifully organized and structured in a way that not only teaches you the foundations of the dance, and teaches different layers and special moves to rep out, but she also goes deep into physical conditioning, workouts, stretches, core concepts, how to effectively self-practice, AND the icing on the cake-- she teaches the internal side of dance as well. You won't get that from your youtube coach! Haha. Seriously my creativity is ignited, my spirit is on fire, and I feel connected to you and empowered by you, Jasmine. I hope someday our paths cross in the physical world! Until then I will be your loyal student. And happy to grow with you!

Thank you Dance Magick Coven for introducing me, a total Noob, to this beautiful art and lifestyle! Cheers!"

-- Haleigh, DM Student

"Jasmine's Dance Magick offers a wide variety of Tribal Fusion Belly Dance videos including some unique ones you won't find elsewhere. You will definitely get something different out of it, even if you have some experience. Also, she responds to suggestions for new classes if there's something specific you're looking for. Thank you!"

-- DM Student

Craft mesmerizing flow. Awaken your artistry.

Channel the inner Creatrix.

Want to give it a try first?

Here's a FREE sample class! It's just a small taste of what you'll get when you sign up ;)

Jasmine is a fusion bellydancer, visionary performer and mystic.

She sees dance as a portal into our personal magick and a cauldron of creative empowerment. 

Learn more about her story...


How do I access the classes?

All classes are available trough the Teachable platform, that makes for a super smooth and fun learning experience. All videos are well organized and easy to access. All you need is your login and internet connection, and you can access them anywhere and anytime!

How long will I have access to the content?

You'll have access to all of the content for as long as you are an active subscriber.

When do I access the classes? Is there a start date and finish date?

Once you are subscribed, you will have full access to all of all the content for all long as you are subscribed! There is no start date or finish date, just a studio full of juicy videos that can be taken whenever you like and as many times as you like!

Where do I start? Do I have to go in order?

Dance Magick has an accessible design that allows students two options: either follow the course through in chronological order, or browse through the course and pop into a video that calls to you! I designed the course to provide students an experience that allows them the freedom to morph the content to their needs. So the course will make sense followed through chronologically, and individual videos can be watched at any time within any section of the school!

Is the course meant to be completed or revisited?

That is entirely up to you! Dance Magick is a unique studio in that some of the videos are more informational based, and some are more routine based. Most of the content of the course is designed to be taken over and over again, as much as you'd like to - similar to how you would attend a weekly class at your local studio, allowing you to repeat classes to keep up your practice regime (that's what I do btw - I take all of these DM classes regularly too ;).

Every great dancer and teacher practices the basics forever, so its great to continually practice our foundational skills for clean, crisp moves and easy accessibility. There are a lot of foundational classes here, as well as some more advanced and exploratory classes. Depending on where you and your abilities are at, you can either move on when you get something or continue working with it to really sink it in... or both! The choice is yours!

Who is this course for?

This course is perfect for absolute beginners, as well as more advanced dancers. Dance Magick offers a solid foundational structure that is a perfect training tool for newbies and pros alike, as working with our base skills is something every dancer should do forever. There are also a lot of creative prompts and personal reflection pieces that are great for all artists of any experience to reflect on and explore with. All levels, all genders, and all walks of life are welcome!

What makes Dance Magick unique?

Dance Magick creates a unique learning experience as it offers 3 areas of growth and exploration: technical skills, creative expression, and artistic connection. These areas are what make up the different sections of the school: The Sun Temple, The Moon Temple, and The Eclipse Temple. Most other studios (to my knowledge) offer only technique skills with drills and dances. Dance Magick, however, offers these things in addition to more free form classes. There are a lot of creative prompts and personal exploration videos, similar to what you would receive in expensive in-person trainings and retreats.

There are also shadowing videos - something I've never seen any other online dance studio or teacher offer. Shadowing has been one of my greatest learning tools with my teachers (that I've done in person with them) so I wanted to offer this style of teaching digitally because I feel it really bridges the cap between training and dancing (and teaches us how our muses organically move the way they do, in ways drills and choreographies don't).

There is also a more mystical element to Dance Magick, found in the Eclipse Temple of the school. This section of the school guides students on how to tap into their truth, find what muses them personally, and channel their visions into their artistic embodiment - another element I have never seen any one else do on a digital dance platform.

Dance Magick was created to be a very unique experience, that doesn't teach you a format or a style of dance per say, but teaches you how to train yourself how to dance with tribal fusion technique and tools, while simultaneously expanding your personal range of expression and creative vision as a dance artist.

Plus, there's an extra bonus section, called The Star Temple that offers inspiration, extended resources, and behind-the-scene looks into my own creative process! 


Craft Mesmerizing Moves

This section of the studio focuses on building tribal fusion technique. Using self-training strategies and detailed drill videos, this section guides you through how to train effectively and efficiently to accelerate the growth process. You'll learn how to listen to and be guided by your body so that you cultivate a strong mind-body relationship, unlock cleaner quality movements, and become your own teacher on your journey towards mastering the elements of this craft.


Awaken your Artistry

This section of the studio focuses on to exploring new ranges of movement and manipulating energy. This is where we dance outside of the box, play with creative concepts and have fun with flow. You'll learn unique ways to interpret foundational teachings while diving deeper into the sensory experience beyond the physical realm to help you cultivate deeper dimensions to creative expression.


Channel your Inner Creatrix

This section of the studio unites the the Sun Temple and the Moon Temple to open a portal into your inner world. Focusing on clearing energy and grounding into your creative vision, this section of the studio explores ways to stoke the creative fires within and harness one’s unique gifts.