Eclipse Temple - CONNECTION

This section of the school unites the the Sun Temple and the Moon Temple to open a portal into your inner world. Focusing on clearing energy and grounding into your creative vision, this dimension of the studio explores ways to stoke the creative fires within and harness one’s unique gifts.

Energy Blueprint: Ecliptic Embodiment

This is the vortex of the school, where the solar and lunar energies align to create a portal of potent transformation and cosmic alignment with your core truth. It focuses on tapping into our highest levels of consciousness, to become a Creator that's deeply connected our mission as an artist. It's where we clear our vessels, explore our psyches, and activate our unique magick! This is how we embody our highest selves and become a conduit that gets danced.

The Eclipse Temple features:

  • Energy Work Rituals - cleansing practices to clear our energy channels and prime our vessel for new energies to flow through.
  • Personal Practice Rituals - practices to open the artistic portal, exercise the dream muscle, and awaken our inner Muse!

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